The Flowers of Manchester

Vi har igennem de sidste par dage skrevet et par utraditionelle artikler om ulykken, da man kan læse i forvejen kan læse om ulykken mange andre steder. Vi…

Vi har igennem de sidste par dage skrevet et par utraditionelle artikler om ulykken, da man kan læse i forvejen kan læse om ulykken mange andre steder.
Vi håber at du med disse har tænkt på The Busby Babes, som gik til grunde den 6. februar 1958 klokken 15:04.

I dag vil mange Manchester United-fans sørge.
Udenfor Old Trafford vil der til eftermiddag blive sunget The flowers of Manchester, hvilket også sker på søndag inden kampen.

Teksten til sangen blev skrevet kort efter ulykken i 1958, da den anonymt blev sendt ind til musikbladet Sing, i oktober måned.
Men det var ikke før i 1962 at gruppen The Spinners indspillede sangen.
Siden hen er den blevet genindspillet flere gange af selvsamme gruppen, men også af blandt andet gruppen Hanky Park.

Op til halvtredsårsdagen har et af de oprindelige bandmedlemmer i The Spinners, Mick Groves, indspillet sangen på ny til fordel for velgørenhed.
Du kan købe sangen på adressen

Du kan høre hans genindspilning og se en mindesvideo af The Busby Babes under sangteksten, som er kopieret ind nedenfor:

The Flowers of Manchester
Lyrik: Skrevet af en nonym i 1958
Musik: The Spinners, 1962

One cold and bitter Thursday in Munich, Germany,
Eight great football stalwarts conceded victory,
Eight men will never play again who met destruction there,
The Flowers of English football, the Flowers of Manchester.

Matt Busby”s boys were flying home, returning from Belgrade,
This great United family, all masters of their trade,
The pilot of the aircraft, the skipper Captain Thain,
Three times they tried to take off and twice turned back again.

The third time down the runway disaster followed close,
There was slush upon that runaway and the aircraft never rose,
It ploughed into the marshy ground, it broke, it overturned,
And eight of the team were killed as the blazing wreckage burned.

Roger Byrne and Tommy Taylor who were capped for England”s side.
And Ireland”s Billy Whelan and England”s Geoff Bent died,
Mark Jones and Eddie Colman, and David Pegg also
They all lost their lives as it ploughed on through the snow.

Big Duncan he went too, with an injury to his brain.
And Ireland”s brave Jack Blanchflower will never play again,
The great Matt Busby lay there, the father of his team,
Three long months passed by before he saw his team again.

The trainer, coach and secretary, and a member of the crew,
Also eight sporting journalists who with United flew,
and one of them Big Swifty, who we will ne”er forget,
the finest English “keeper that ever graced the net.

Oh, England”s finest football team its record truly great,
its proud successes mocked by a cruel turn of fate.
Eight men will never play again, who met destruction there,
the Flowers of English football, the Flowers of Manchester.


Forrige artikel

United forsøgte at tjene penge på München-ulykken

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