I går valgte Manchester United at anke de anklager, som var blevet pålagt Ryan Giggs og Christiano Ronaldo.
I dag, efter 24 timers ekstra gennemtænkning, meldte Arsenal tilbage på de anklager, som var blevet pålagt deres spillere efter opgøret på Old Trafford, som endte 0-0, selv efter Ruud van Nistelrooy havde fået tilkendt et straffespark, som han desværre brændte. Arsenal har godtog alle anklager fra FA.
FA har efter Arsenal tilbagemelding udsendt denne pressemeddelse, hvori det er forklaret, hvilke anklager som de forskellige Arsenalspillere er blevet anklaget med. Der skal lægges mærke til, at Jens Lehmann har fået sin anklage trukket tilbage.
FAs pressemeddelse (på engelsk):
“The FA can confirm the responses received from Arsenal and Manchester United in relation to charges issued on Wednesday, 24th September. These charges relate to incidents during the match at Old Trafford on Sunday, 21st September.
“Arsenal FC have admitted the charge of failing to ensure the proper behaviour of their players. This constitutes a breach of FA Rule E21(a).
“Ashley Cole has admitted the charge of improper conduct (breach of FA Rule E1) for his involvement in a confrontation with Cristiano Ronaldo after the final whistle.
“Patrick Vieira has admitted the charge of improper conduct for failing to leave the field of play following his sending-off.
“Ray Parlour has admitted two charges of improper conduct for separate confrontations with Ruud van Nistelrooy and Gary Neville after the final whistle.
“The charges of improper conduct and violent behaviour brought against Martin Keown for his actions towards van Nistelrooy will be considered together as one charge of violent behaviour (breach of FA Rule E2), which Keown has admitted.
“Lauren has admitted a charge of violent behaviour, for forcibly pushing van Nistelrooy in the back following the final whistle. He has also admitted two charges of improper conduct, for confronting van Nistelrooy after Patrick Vieira”s sending-off, and for kicking out at Quinton Fortune following the penalty award. Another charge of improper conduct, relating to his actions towards Ryan Giggs after the final whistle, has been withdrawn following consideration of submissions provided.
“The charge of improper conduct against Jens Lehmann, for his behaviour towards match officials, will be withdrawn but he will be warned to his future conduct.”